Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning

Epoch and batch size


Epoch and batch size

This article explains about epoch and batch size.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Optimization algorithm


Optimization algorithm

This article explains optimization algorithms.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
What is loss function


What is loss function

This article describes the loss function.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)


Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

This article explains Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), their architecture, and how to visualize their inner workings.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Weight Initialization in Deep Learning


Weight Initialization in Deep Learning

This article explores the importance of weight initialization in deep learning and the various techniques used, such as zero, random, Xavier, He, LeCun, and orthogonal initialization. The article discusses the factors to consider when selecting a weight initialization method, such as network architecture, activation functions, and problem complexity, and provides guidelines for choosing the appropriate technique.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Batch Normalization


Batch Normalization

This article dives into the concept of batch normalization, a groundbreaking technique in deep learning that accelerates training, improves model convergence, and simplifies hyperparameter tuning.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Vanishing Gradient Problem


Vanishing Gradient Problem

This article explores the vanishing gradient problem in deep neural networks during training. It discusses the causes of the problem, including the choice of activation function, network depth, and weight initialization, as well as its effects on slow convergence, suboptimal solutions, and overfitting. The article also demonstrates the problem through an implementation of a deep neural network using the PyTorch library and the MNIST dataset.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Activation Distribution


Activation Distribution

This article explores techniques for analyzing, optimizing, and visualizing activation distributions in hidden layers of neural networks. The article also includes a chapter on visualizing activation distributions using the Iris dataset, demonstrating how to draw histograms of activations in 5 hidden layers of a simple FFNN.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Type of activation function


Type of activation function

This article describes the different types of activation functions.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning



This article demystifies backpropagation, the core algorithm behind training deep learning models. Dive into the essential mathematical concepts like the chain rule, loss function, and gradient descent, and explore a step-by-step derivation of the algorithm.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning


Deep Learning

This article delves into the world of deep learning, a branch of machine learning that uses multi-layered neural networks to mimic the human brain.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
What is Dropout Layer


What is Dropout Layer

This article delves into dropout layers in deep learning, a widely-used regularization technique that helps prevent overfitting in neural networks. We'll discuss the definition, purpose, and advantages of dropout layers, as well as the underlying mechanism and mathematics. Discover how to implement dropout layers with PyTorch and choose the ideal dropout rate for your specific model. Lastly, we'll outline best practices for implementing dropout layers and address common pitfalls to avoid. Enhance your model's generalization performance, noise robustness, and feature representation by harnessing the power of dropout layers.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Architectures of Deep Learning


Architectures of Deep Learning

This article introduces the architectures of deep learning models, including CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, Autoencoders, GANs, and Transformers.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning



This article explains the concept of perceptrons, their basic components, and the learning algorithm used to train them. It delves into their foundational role in deep learning, examining multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) and the backpropagation process used to train deep MLPs.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning