
Kedro Viz


Kedro has a visualization feature called Kedro-Viz. Using Kdero-Viz, you can visually understand the flow of processing in the pipeline.

How to use Kedro-Viz

Assume that you have already installed Kedro and created a Kedro project. Install Kedro Viz with the following command.

$ pip install kedro-viz

Go to the root directory of the Kedro project and execute the following command.

$ kedro viz

After executing the above command, you will be redirected to the browser and the workflow will be visualized at

spaceflights example

Let us visualize the workflow of the spaceflights project covered in Kedro tutorial.

Create a project and install the library.

$ pip install kedro
$ kedro new --starter=spaceflights
$ cd spaceflights
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The spaceflights project already contains Kedro-Viz in src/requirements.txt, so there is no need to install Kedro-Viz.

Running the kedro viz command will visualize the spaceflights workflow at

$ kedro viz

Kedro Viz | spaceflights

Visualization with graphs

Kedro-Viz can graph data using Plotly or Matplotlib. Please refer to official documentation for details.

Kedro Viz chart


Various options can be added to Kedro-Viz.


The --autoreload flag will automatically reload Kedro-Viz when Python or YAML files are changed.

$ kedro viz --autoreload

Output JSON

With the --save-file flag and a file name, a JSON file will be output.

$ kedro viz --save-file my_shareable_pipeline.json

The --load-file flag allows you to visualize a JSON file.

$ kedro viz --load-file my_shareable_pipeline.json

Visualize a specific pipeline

You can visualize a specific pipeline by adding the --pipeline flag.

$ kedro viz --pipeline <pipeline name>



Ryusei Kakujo


Focusing on data science for mobility

Bench Press 100kg!