
Kedro and Jupyter

Kedro and Jupyter

Kedro can be developed in conjunction with Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, and IPython.

$ kedro jupyter notebook

Jupyter Notebook

$ kedro jupyter lab

Jupyter Lab

$ kedro ipython

In [1]:
In [2]: exit()

Kedro variables

Kedro allows the following variables to be used within Jupyter Notebook.

  • catalog
  • context
  • pipelines
  • session

We will create a sample project for pandas-iris and check the above variables.

$ kedro new --starter=pandas-iris
$ cd iris
$ kedro jupyter notebook

Click New > Kedro (iris) to create a new notebook.



catalog allows you to search for a DataCatalog containing parameters.

In [1]: catalog.list()

In [2]: catalog.load("example_iris_data")

INFO     Loading data from 'example_iris_data' (CSVDataSet)...
	sepal_length	sepal_width	petal_length	petal_width	species
0	  5.1	          3.5	        1.4	          0.2	        setosa
1	  4.9	          3.0	        1.4	          0.2	        setosa
2	  4.7	          3.2	        1.3	          0.2	        setosa
3	  4.6	          3.1	        1.5	          0.2	        setosa
4	  5.0	          3.6	        1.4	          0.2	        setosa
...	...	          ...	        ...	          ...	        ...
145	6.7	          3.0	        5.2	          2.3	        virginica
146	6.3	          2.5	        5.0	          1.9	        virginica
147	6.5	          3.0	        5.2	          2.0	        virginica
148	6.2	          3.4	        5.4	          2.3	        virginica
149	5.9	          3.0	        5.1	          1.8	        virginica

150 rows × 5 columns
In [3]: catalog.load("parameters")

INFO     Loading data from 'parameters' (MemoryDataSet)...
{'train_fraction': 0.8, 'random_state': 3, 'target_column': 'species'}


context provides access to kedro library components and project metadata.

In [4]: context.project_path



Use pipeline to display the pipelines registered in your project.

In [5]: pipelines

{'__default__': Pipeline([
Node(split_data, ['example_iris_data', 'parameters'], ['X_train', 'X_test', 'y_train', 'y_test'], 'split'),
Node(make_predictions, ['X_train', 'X_test', 'y_train'], 'y_pred', 'make_predictions'),
Node(report_accuracy, ['y_pred', 'y_test'], None, 'report_accuracy')
In [6]: pipelines["__default__"].all_outputs()

{'y_test', 'y_train', 'X_test', 'y_pred', 'X_train'}


The session can be used to execute the pipeline.

In [7]: session.run()

[01/15/23 09:24:05] INFO     Kedro project iris                                                      session.py:340
[01/15/23 09:24:06] INFO     Loading data from 'example_iris_data' (CSVDataSet)...              data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Loading data from 'parameters' (MemoryDataSet)...                  data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Running node: split: split_data([example_iris_data,parameters]) ->         node.py:327
                    INFO     Saving data to 'X_train' (MemoryDataSet)...                        data_catalog.py:382
                    INFO     Saving data to 'X_test' (MemoryDataSet)...                         data_catalog.py:382
                    INFO     Saving data to 'y_train' (MemoryDataSet)...                        data_catalog.py:382
                    INFO     Saving data to 'y_test' (MemoryDataSet)...                         data_catalog.py:382
                    INFO     Completed 1 out of 3 tasks                                     sequential_runner.py:85
                    INFO     Loading data from 'X_train' (MemoryDataSet)...                     data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Loading data from 'X_test' (MemoryDataSet)...                      data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Loading data from 'y_train' (MemoryDataSet)...                     data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Running node: make_predictions: make_predictions([X_train,X_test,y_train]) node.py:327
                             -> [y_pred]
                    INFO     Saving data to 'y_pred' (MemoryDataSet)...                         data_catalog.py:382
                    INFO     Completed 2 out of 3 tasks                                     sequential_runner.py:85
                    INFO     Loading data from 'y_pred' (MemoryDataSet)...                      data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Loading data from 'y_test' (MemoryDataSet)...                      data_catalog.py:343
                    INFO     Running node: report_accuracy: report_accuracy([y_pred,y_test]) -> None    node.py:327
                    INFO     Model has accuracy of 0.933 on test data.                                  nodes.py:74
                    INFO     Completed 3 out of 3 tasks                                     sequential_runner.py:85
                    INFO     Pipeline execution completed successfully.                                runner.py:90


You can reload Kedro variables by running %reload_kedro.

In [8]: %reload_kedro

[01/15/23 09:25:42] INFO     Resolved project path as: /Users/ryu/iris.         __init__.py:132
                             To set a different path, run '%reload_kedro <project_root>'
[01/15/23 09:25:43] INFO     Kedro project Iris                                                     __init__.py:101
                    INFO     Defined global variable 'context', 'session', 'catalog' and            __init__.py:102
                    INFO     Registered line magic 'run_viz'                                        __init__.py:108

Documentation for %reload_kedro can be found with the following command.

In [9]: %reload_kedro?


  %reload_kedro [-e ENV] [--params PARAMS] [path]

The `%reload_kedro` IPython line magic. See
 https://kedro.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tools_integration/ipython.html for more.

positional arguments:
  path               Path to the project root directory. If not given, use the
                     previously setproject root.

optional arguments:
  -e ENV, --env ENV  Kedro configuration environment name. Defaults to
  --params PARAMS    Specify extra parameters that you want to pass to the
                     context initializer. Items must be separated by comma,
                     keys - by colon, example: param1:value1,param2:value2.
                     Each parameter is split by the first comma, so parameter
                     values are allowed to contain colons, parameter keys are
                     not. To pass a nested dictionary as parameter, separate
                     keys by '.', example: param_group.param1:value1.
File:      ~/Program/MLOps/kedro/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kedro/ipython/__init__.py


Run %run_viz to start Kedro-Viz.

In [10]: %run_viz


Convert Jupyter Notebook code to Node

Kedro allows you to copy code written in Jupyter Notebook to Node.

Suppose the following function is written in Jupyter Notebook.

def some_action():
    print("This function came from `notebooks/my_notebook.ipynb`")

On Jupyter Notebook, click View > Cell Toolbar > Tags and add a node tag to the cell.


Save the Jupyter Notebook as my_notebook and move the files to the notebooks folder with the following command.

$ mv my_notebook.ipynb notebooks

Execute the following command.

$ kedro jupyter convert notebooks/my_notebook.ipynb

You can see that the function has been added to src/iris/nodes/my_notebook.py.

$ cat src/iris/nodes/my_notebook.py

def some_action():
    print("This function came from `notebooks/my_notebook.ipynb`")



Ryusei Kakujo


Focusing on data science for mobility

Bench Press 100kg!