
Dirichlet distribution

What is Dirichlet distribution

The Dirichlet distribution is the distribution that the probability x_i of each event occurring when K events each occur \alpha_{i}-1 times. Note that \alpha _{i} need not be an integer.

The probability density function of the Dirichlet distribution is expressed by the following equation:

f(x_1, x_2,.., x_{K-1}) = \frac{\Gamma(\sum^K_{i=1} \alpha_i)}{\prod_{i=1}^K\Gamma(\alpha_i)}\prod_{i=1}^Kx_i^{\alpha_i-1}
\sum^n_{i=1} = 1, \quad x_i \in \{0, 1 \}

In the above equation, the case K=2 corresponds to the probability density function of beta distribution. In other words, Dirichlet distribution is a multivariate extension of beta distribution.

Expected value and variance of Dirichlet distribution

The expected value and variance of the Dirichlet distribution are respectively as follows.

E(X_i)=\frac{\alpha_i}{\sum^{K}_{i=1}\alpha_i} \quad (i=1,2,...,K-1)
V(X_i)=\frac{\alpha_i(\sum^{K}_{i=1} \alpha_i-\alpha_i)}{(\sum^{K}_{i=1}\alpha_i)^2 (\sum^{K}_{i=1}\alpha_i + 1)} \quad (i=1,2,...,K-1)

Check the effect of parameters

Let us visualize a 3-dimensional (K=3) Dirichlet distribution in Python.

import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from scipy.stats import dirichlet
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


class Dirichlet():
    def __init__(self, param: list) -> None:
        self.param = np.array(param)

    def pdf(self, x: list) -> np.float:
        x_ar = np.array(x)
        cons = np.prod(special.gamma(self.param))/(special.gamma(np.sum(self.param)))
        p = (1./cons) * np.prod(x_ar**(self.param-1))
        return p

    def plt_3d(self, nrow: int, ncol: int, n: int, zlim=None)->None:
        xdata = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
        ydata = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
        X,Y = np.meshgrid(xdata, ydata)
        z = []
        X[X+Y>1] = 0
        Y[X+Y>1] = 0
        for _x, _y, _z in zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), (1-X-Y).flatten()):
            z.append(self.pdf([_x, _y, _z]))

        Z = np.array(z).reshape(X.shape)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
        ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
        ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap='plasma')
        ax.set_title("Dir($\\vec{\\alpha} = $" + "%s)" % self.param)

Dirichlet([1.,1.,1.]).plt_3d(2, 2, 1, zlim=(0, 2.1))
Dirichlet([5.,5.,5.]).plt_3d(2, 2, 2)
Dirichlet([5.,1.,1.]).plt_3d(2, 2, 3)
Dirichlet([1.,5.,1.]).plt_3d(2, 2, 2)

Dirichlet distribution

When the three \alpha have the same value, we can see that the larger the \alpha is, the smaller the variance is. Also, we can see that random variables with larger \alpha have higher probability densities.

Ryusei Kakujo


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