
Who is Likely to be Mind-Controlled

Characteristics of Individuals Prone to Mind Control

The basis of mind control is to create a state of absolute passivity, not allowing the target to think independently.

The susceptibility to mind control is not uniform across all individuals. Various personality traits, psychological characteristics, and situational factors can increase an individual's vulnerability to mind control tactics.

Dependent Personality

A primary trait that can make an individual prone to mind control is having a dependent personality. These individuals may be overly reliant on others and are often willing to accept situations or actions that are clearly against their interests or contrary to their desires. Their susceptibility to mind control stems from their underlying tendency towards indecisiveness and dependence.

Profound Attachment Anxiety

At the root of this dependence is often a profound attachment anxiety. This may stem from childhood experiences where the individual excessively suppressed their needs and desires, becoming hyper-vigilant of the moods and reactions of important others. This excessive care for the emotions of others often makes such individuals susceptible to manipulation and control.

Individuals raised in overprotective environments can also be more prone to developing a dependent personality. Such environments can hinder the development of autonomy and decision-making abilities, making the individual overly reliant on others. This excessive dependence can be exploited by those seeking to control the individual's mind.

High Suggestibility

Another trait that can make an individual prone to mind control is high suggestibility. Such individuals are highly receptive to suggestions and influences from others. They struggle with critically selecting information and making independent decisions, which can make them more susceptible to the manipulations of mind controllers.

Imbalanced Self-love

Individuals who harbor an imbalanced self-love can also be more susceptible to mind control. These individuals often carry a psychological structure where they are dissatisfied with their current reality while yearning for a grandiose purpose. They dream of great successes while also grappling with a sense of injustice towards their surroundings. Unable to love themselves as they are, they inflate grand ideals to somehow strike a balance. Such individuals, in their purity and idealism, often harbor extremes and radicalism, making them more susceptible to control.

Contemporary and Past Stress

Stress, whether arising from present circumstances or past experiences, can also make an individual more susceptible to mind control. Even individuals who appear strong can become vulnerable to mind control when they are grappling with failures, illnesses, separations, or economic hardships. Controllers seeking to brainwash often sniff out the dissatisfaction, anger, guilt, or frustration that such individuals harbor within, and fan these emotions to facilitate control.

Vulnerability of Support Environment

The vulnerability of the individual's support environment also plays a significant role in increasing susceptibility to mind control. Isolation or lack of mental support can make mind control easier. For example, the target of new leftist sects or cult religions were often young individuals who had just left their hometowns and started living alone in the city.

Individuals Resistant to Mind Control

While many individuals can be susceptible to mind control, there are also those who show remarkable resistance. Even under extreme conditions, these individuals are able to maintain their autonomy and resist manipulation.

A common characteristic among individuals resistant to mind control is a strong sense of belonging and unwavering beliefs. These individuals often have a firm grasp of their identity and are grounded in their values and beliefs. This strong sense of self and conviction provides a protective barrier against manipulation and control.

Ryusei Kakujo


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