
RSS Feed

What is RSS Feeds

RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to online content in a standardized, computer-readable format. By using these feeds, you can conveniently receive the latest updates on web-based content such as your favorite blogs and news sites without the need to manually check each website for updates.

How RSS Feeds Work

The function of an RSS feed lies in its ability to automatically update with the latest content from a specific website. This automation is achieved by utilizing an XML file that contains both the content and metadata about the content. This file, also known as a "feed", is then made available for subscription to anyone interested.

Here's a brief overview of how RSS feeds work:

  1. A website owner creates an RSS feed for their site. This feed is essentially an XML file that follows the RSS format. Whenever new content is published on the site, the RSS feed is updated automatically.

  2. A user, interested in the website's content, subscribes to the RSS feed using an RSS reader. This involves copying the feed's URL and adding it to their RSS reader.

  3. The RSS reader periodically checks the feed for updates. When new content is detected, the reader downloads the updated feed and presents the new content to the user.

  4. The user can then click on the content in their reader to view the full content on the original website.

The user's RSS reader is responsible for the heavy lifting – checking the feed for updates, downloading new content, and presenting it in a user-friendly format. This allows users to stay updated with their favorite websites without having to manually check each one for updates.

Popular RSS Feed Readers

There are a variety of RSS feed readers available, each offering different features to cater to the various needs of users. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Feedly
    Perhaps one of the most popular RSS readers, Feedly offers a clean, user-friendly interface and a range of features. It's available on web, iOS, and Android. Feedly allows users to organize feeds into categories, making it easier to manage a large number of subscriptions.

  • Inoreader
    Known for its robust functionality, Inoreader allows users to subscribe to unlimited feeds, organize them, and even search within feeds. It also has a rule-based automation feature, which can be particularly useful for power users.

  • NewsBlur
    NewsBlur is an RSS reader that stands out with its ability to learn what the user likes and doesn't like. Over time, it can personalize the feed to prioritize the kind of content the user prefers.

Each of these RSS readers offers a unique set of features, and the best one for you would depend on your personal preferences and needs.

How to Create an RSS Feed

Creating an RSS feed involves generating an XML file that follows the RSS format.

  1. Start the RSS feed

Every RSS feed begins with the following lines to specify that it's an XML file and to define the version of RSS being used:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
  1. Create the channel

An RSS feed can contain multiple channels, but most feeds only have one. The channel includes metadata about the feed itself:

    <title>Your Website Title</title>
    <description>A short description of your website.</description>
  1. Add items

Each item represents a piece of content. You can add as many items as you want:

    <title>Blog Post Title</title>
    <description>A summary of your blog post.</description>
    <pubDate>Tue, 20 Jun 2023 14:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  1. Close the channel and RSS tags

Close the XML tags you opened at the beginning:


This is a very basic example of an RSS feed. Depending on your needs, you may want to include additional elements such as author, category, comments, enclosure (for multimedia files), and others.

It's important to note that most modern content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, automatically generate RSS feeds for you. If you're using one of these systems, you likely don't need to create an RSS feed manually.

How to Subscribe to an RSS Feed

Subscribing to an RSS feed is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. Let's walk through these steps using a popular blog site as an example – WordPress.

  1. Find the RSS feed
    WordPress blogs usually have a built-in RSS feed that you can access by adding /feed/ to the end of the blog's URL. For example, if the blog is at www.exampleblog.com, the feed would be at www.exampleblog.com/feed/.

  2. Copy the URL
    Copy this URL. This is the URL of the blog's RSS feed.

  3. Paste into your RSS reader
    Now, open your RSS reader – let's assume you're using Feedly. In Feedly, look for the + Add Content button on the left-hand side. Click on it, then paste the URL into the search bar that appears.

  4. Confirm your subscription
    Feedly will fetch and display the feed's content. You should see a preview of the feed along with a + Follow button. Click on this button to add the feed to your Feedly. You can then choose or create a category for the new feed.

Once you're subscribed, new content from the feed will appear in your Feedly as it's published. The frequency at which Feedly checks for updates may vary depending on its settings.

Ryusei Kakujo


Weave the future of cities through data

Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS