
Replace Method in Pandas DataFrame

Replace Method in Pandas DataFrame

Pandas DataFrame is a flexible data structure in Python that allows for easy manipulation and analysis of structured data. Amongst the arsenal of tools provided by this library, the replace method in DataFrame is incredibly powerful. This method allows us to replace a particular value, or a list of values, with some other value or list of values. This functionality is immensely useful in data cleaning, a step where we replace or remove certain values that may negatively impact our analysis or models.

Syntax and Parameters

The replace method comes with an assortment of options that are tuned via its parameters. Here is the basic syntax of the replace method:


The replace function comes with several parameters that control its behavior:

  • to_replace: Specifies the value(s) that need to be replaced. This could be a single value, a list of values, or a regex pattern.
  • value: Specifies the new value(s) that will replace the existing value(s).
  • inplace: If set to True, the original DataFrame is changed, and the method returns None. If set to False (default), a new DataFrame is returned.
  • limit: Controls the maximum size gap to forward or backward fill when reindexing.
  • regex: A boolean parameter that specifies whether to_replace should be interpreted as a regular expression or not.
  • method: Defines the method to be used when replacing. The options are pad, ffill and bfill. This parameter is optional.

Examples of Replace Method Usage

Single Value Replacement

If you want to replace a single value in your DataFrame, you can utilize the replace method as shown below:

df.replace(to_replace=old_value, value=new_value)

Here, old_value is the value that you wish to replace, and new_value is the value that you want to replace it with.

Multiple Value Replacement

You can replace multiple values in the DataFrame in a single call by passing lists of values to to_replace and value:

df.replace(to_replace=[old_value1, old_value2], value=[new_value1, new_value2])

This command will replace old_value1 with new_value1, and old_value2 with new_value2.

Replacement Using Regular Expressions

Replace also supports regular expressions, allowing you to replace patterns instead of specific values:

df.replace(to_replace=r'^test.*', value='new_value', regex=True)

This command will replace any value in the DataFrame that starts with 'test' with 'new_value'.

Replacement Using Dictionary

It's also possible to use a dictionary for replacement. The keys will be the values you want to replace, and the dictionary values will be the new values:

df.replace({'A': {0: 100, 4: 400}})

In this command, the values 0 and 4 in column 'A' are replaced with 100 and 400 respectively.

Replacement Across DataFrame

You can apply replace method to the entire DataFrame, not just a single column:

df.replace(0, -1)

Here, all occurrences of 0 across the entire DataFrame are replaced with -1.

NaN Replacement

One of the common use-cases of the replace method is filling NaN values in the DataFrame:

df.replace(np.NaN, 0)

In this example, all NaN (Not a Number) values in the DataFrame are replaced with 0.

Inplace Replacement

By default, the replace method doesn't modify the original DataFrame. Instead, it returns a new DataFrame with the replacements. If you want the method to modify the DataFrame in place, you can use the inplace=True parameter:

df.replace(to_replace=old_value, value=new_value, inplace=True)

This will replace old_value with new_value directly in the original DataFrame. Note that the method returns None in this case.



Ryusei Kakujo


Weave the future of cities through data

Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS