
What is Dimensional Modeling

What is Dimensional Modeling

Dimensional modeling is a data modeling technique used in data warehousing to organize and present data in a way that facilitates efficient querying and analysis. In a dimensional model, data is organized into dimensions and facts, which are then combined to form a schema that is optimized for data analysis.

Importance of Dimensional Modeling

The importance of dimensional modeling lies in its ability to simplify the data model, making it easier for end-users to understand and access the data. By organizing data into dimensions and facts, users can quickly access the information they need without having to navigate complex relationships between tables. This also enables faster query performance, as the data is pre-aggregated and stored in a way that allows for efficient retrieval and analysis.

Key Components of Dimensional Modeling

The key components of dimensional modeling are dimensions, facts, and relationships. Dimensions are the attributes by which data is analyzed and can include things like time, geography, and product categories. Facts are the measurements or metrics that are being analyzed and can include things like sales, revenue, or customer counts. Relationships between dimensions and facts are established through the use of foreign keys, which allow for the creation of hierarchies and drill-down capabilities.

Here is an example of fact and dimension tables.

  • Fact_Sales
Sale_ID Date_Key Product_Key Store_Key Unit_Sold Revenue
1 20230101 1001 2001 5 500.00
2 20230101 1002 2001 2 300.00
3 20230102 1001 2002 3 300.00
  • Dim_Date
Date_Key Date Day Month Year
20230101 2023-01-01 1 1 2023
20230102 2023-01-02 2 1 2023

In the example above, we have a fact table called Fact_Sales containing information about sales transactions, and a dimension table called Dim_Date that holds date information.

Other important components of dimensional modeling include the use of star and snowflake schemas. A star schema is a simple dimensional model where one fact table is connected to a set of dimension tables, forming a star-like shape. A snowflake schema is a more complex dimensional model where dimension tables are normalized, creating a more efficient use of storage space.

Designing a Dimensional Model

Designing a dimensional model is a critical component of building an effective data warehouse. A dimensional model is a data model that organizes data into dimensions and facts, creating a structure that is optimized for efficient querying and analysis. When designing a dimensional model, there are several key considerations to keep in mind.

Star Schema

One common approach to designing a dimensional model is to use a star schema. A star schema consists of one or more fact tables connected to a set of dimension tables. The fact table contains the metrics or measurements being analyzed, while the dimension tables provide context and detail for those metrics. The star schema is named for its shape, which resembles a star with the fact table at the center and the dimension tables radiating out from it.

Snowflake Schema

Another approach to designing a dimensional model is to use a snowflake schema. A snowflake schema is a variation of the star schema, in which the dimension tables are normalized, creating a more efficient use of storage space. In a snowflake schema, the dimension tables are split into multiple tables, with each table containing a subset of the attributes from the original dimension table.

Choosing between Star and Snowflake Schema

When choosing between a star and snowflake schema, there are several factors to consider. Star schemas are simpler to understand and navigate, making them a good choice for smaller data warehouses or data marts. Snowflake schemas, on the other hand, are more complex but can provide better performance and scalability for larger data warehouses.

Conformed Dimensions and Facts

One important consideration in designing a dimensional model is the use of conformed dimensions and facts. Conformed dimensions and facts are dimensions and facts that are shared across multiple fact tables or data marts. By using conformed dimensions and facts, organizations can ensure consistency and accuracy in their data, and reduce the risk of errors or inconsistencies.

Designing for Performance

Finally, when designing a dimensional model, it's essential to consider performance. This includes optimizing the model for efficient querying and analysis, as well as ensuring that the data warehouse is scalable and can handle increasing volumes of data over time. Key performance considerations include designing appropriate indexing strategies, minimizing data redundancy, and ensuring that the model is optimized for the types of queries that will be run against it.

Creating Data Mart with Dimension and Fact Tables

A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse, tailored to meet the specific analytical needs of a department or a group of users. Designing a data mart involves selecting relevant dimension and fact tables and creating a schema for efficient querying.

Consider a retail business that wants to analyze its sales data. A "Product" dimension table might look like this:

product_id product_name category subcategory brand
1 Product A Apparel Shirts Brand1
2 Product B Apparel Pants Brand2
3 Product C Electronics Phones Brand3

For our retail business example, a "Sales" fact table could look like this:

date store_id product_id units_sold revenue
2023-01-01 1 1 10 1000
2023-01-01 1 2 5 500
2023-01-01 2 3 8 2400

For the retail business, a data mart focused on sales analysis by product category might include the "Product" dimension table and the "Sales" fact table, with a schema that links the two tables via the product_id.

-- Creating a view for the Sales Data Mart
CREATE VIEW Sales_Data_Mart AS
    Sales s
    Product p ON s.product_id = p.product_id;
date store_id product_id product_name category subcategory brand units_sold revenue
2023-03-01 1 1 Product A Apparel Shirts Brand1 10 1000
2023-01-01 1 2 Product B Apparel Pants Brand2 5 500
2023-01-01 2 3 Product C Electronics Phones Brand3 8 2400

Using the Sales_Data_Mart view, we can now easily perform queries and analysis on the retail business's sales data with the product category context.

    SUM(revenue) as total_revenue
category total_revenue
Apparel 1500
Electronics 2400

Ryusei Kakujo


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