
How to Import Existing Infrastructure into Terraform

What is Terraform Import Command

terraform import command is a powerful tool that enables you to import existing infrastructure resources into your Terraform state file.

With terraform import, you can incorporate pre-existing resources into your Terraform configuration, thereby enabling you to manage them using the same workflows as your other infrastructure components. This command is especially useful when you're migrating from a manual infrastructure management approach to an automated one.

By importing existing resources, you can ensure that your infrastructure configuration is consistent with your infrastructure's actual state. With terraform import, you can effortlessly manage your infrastructure resources in a declarative, scalable, and automated way.

How to use Terraform Import Command

The terraform import command is used to import existing infrastructure resources into Terraform state, so that they can be managed by Terraform. This allows you to take advantage of Terraform's infrastructure management features even for resources that were created outside of Terraform.

Syntax of Terraform Import Command

The basic syntax of the terraform import command is as follows:

$ terraform import [options] ADDRESS ID

Where ADDRESSis the address of the resource in the Terraform configuration. ID is the ID of the existing resource that you want to import.

Example of Terraform Import Command

Here's an example of how to use the terraform import command to import an existing AWS S3 bucket into Terraform state:

$ terraform import aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket my-bucket-id

In this example, aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket is the address of the resource in the Terraform configuration, and my-bucket-id is the ID of the existing S3 bucket that you want to import.

Once you've imported the resource, you can use Terraform to manage it just like any other resource. You can make changes to the resource using Terraform, and Terraform will update the resource to match the desired state defined in the configuration.



Ryusei Kakujo


Weave the future of cities through data

Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS