
Technical Debt

What is Technical Debt

In the context of software development, technical debt refers to the future cost and consequence of compromises made in the development process. This occurs when developers make choices to implement quick, but suboptimal or simplistic solutions, instead of investing the time and resources needed for a better or more comprehensive solution. These shortcuts are usually taken to meet tight deadlines, to save costs, or due to lack of foresight.

Just like financial debt, technical debt accumulates "interest" over time. This interest manifests itself in the form of increased complexity, maintenance overhead, reduced code quality, and the additional time needed to implement new features. If not managed properly, it can lead to a codebase that is brittle, hard to maintain, and full of bugs.

Sources of Technical Debt

Technical debt can arise from various sources, such as:

  • Deliberate Shortcuts
    Sometimes, teams intentionally take shortcuts to hit deadlines, knowing that they will have to improve or refactor the code later.

  • Outdated Technologies
    As technology evolves, previously written code or used libraries might become outdated, and maintaining compatibility or security can add to technical debt.

  • Poor Code Quality
    This includes lack of adherence to coding standards, lack of documentation, and poorly structured code, which makes maintenance and adding new features more difficult.

  • Insufficient Testing
    Skimping on testing can lead to technical debt as issues that could have been caught early spiral into bigger problems later.

  • Design Debt
    This occurs when the software's architecture is not scalable or modular, making it difficult to adapt the software to changing requirements.

Impacts of Technical Debt

On Software Quality

Technical debt can significantly degrade the quality of software. Issues such as bugs, poor performance, and scalability problems are common manifestations of accumulated technical debt.

On Productivity and Performance

As technical debt accumulates, the codebase becomes more complex and harder to understand. This leads to reduced productivity as developers need to spend more time understanding and navigating the code. In some cases, the performance of the software can be hindered, leading to slower execution times and inefficient resource utilization.

On Business Goals

Accumulated technical debt can impede the ability of an organization to achieve its business goals. It can cause delays in delivering new features, lead to customer dissatisfaction due to poor quality, and eventually result in financial losses.

On Team Morale

A codebase with significant technical debt can be frustrating for developers to work with. Constantly dealing with issues and feeling like they are not producing quality work can lead to low morale and a decrease in job satisfaction among the team members. This can also result in higher turnover rates as developers might seek opportunities elsewhere where they feel more fulfilled and valued.

On Security

One of the often-overlooked consequences of technical debt is its impact on security. Neglecting to update dependencies, poor coding practices, or not allocating time for security reviews can leave the software vulnerable to attacks. As the codebase grows and becomes more convoluted, identifying and rectifying these vulnerabilities becomes increasingly difficult.

Managing Impacts of Technical Debt

To prevent the negative consequences of technical debt, it is vital to have strategies in place to manage it effectively. Some steps that can be taken include:

  • Regular Code Reviews
    Implementing regular code reviews can help in identifying areas of the codebase that contribute to technical debt. It also fosters knowledge sharing among team members.

  • Refactoring
    Periodically, set aside time to address known technical debt issues. This may include cleaning up code, optimizing performance, or updating dependencies.

  • CI/CD
    Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can help in identifying and addressing technical debt early in the development process.

  • Documentation
    Keeping documentation up to date and ensuring that coding decisions and their rationale are well-documented helps in managing technical debt.

  • Training and Education
    Ensuring that the development team is trained in best practices and aware of the implications of technical debt is crucial.

  • Prioritization
    Not all technical debt needs to be addressed immediately. It is essential to prioritize which debt needs attention based on the impact on quality, security, performance, and business goals.

  • Stakeholder Communication
    Keeping stakeholders informed about the state of technical debt and its impacts on the project helps in setting realistic expectations and garnering support for debt reduction efforts.

Ryusei Kakujo


Weave the future of cities through data

Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS