
Romer Model

What is Romer Model

The Romer model, named after its creator Paul Romer, is an endogenous growth model that was developed in the 1980s and 1990s as a response to perceived limitations in the Solow model. This model is central to the field of endogenous growth theory, which seeks to explain economic growth based on internal factors within the economy, such as policy measures, rather than external forces.

The Romer model focuses on the role of technological progress and the production of ideas as drivers of economic growth. It emphasizes the concept of knowledge spillover and the increasing returns to scale that this can bring about. In the Romer model, technological advancement results from purposeful activities - firms invest in research and development (R&D) with the aim of producing new ideas that can be commercialized and bring profits.

Contrary to the Solow model, where technological progress is an exogenous factor (i.e., it is not explained by the model itself but is assumed to happen automatically over time), the Romer model treats technological progress as an endogenous factor. This means that it is determined within the model by the actions of individuals and firms, who are influenced by economic incentives and policies.

Moreover, the Romer model introduces the concept of "non-rival" goods - goods that can be used by multiple people simultaneously without being depleted. Ideas and knowledge are examples of such goods. Because they are non-rival, they can lead to increasing returns to scale, which is a departure from the Solow model, which assumes constant returns to scale.

These differences reflect a fundamental shift in understanding the drivers of economic growth. While the Solow model emphasizes the accumulation of physical capital, the Romer model underscores the importance of ideas, technology, and human capital. As such, it has profound policy implications, suggesting that policies promoting research and development, education, and protection of intellectual property rights can play a crucial role in fostering economic growth.

Basic Assumptions

The Romer model makes several key assumptions. First, it assumes perfect competition in the goods market, but monopolistic competition in the market for ideas or technology. It is also assumed that new ideas are produced by applying existing ideas to the production process, leading to endogenous technological change.

Second, the model presumes that technological advancements are the result of deliberate actions taken by people who respond to market incentives. It assumes that firms invest in research and development (R&D) with the aim of creating new ideas and technologies that they can monopolize and profit from.

Main Components and Their Interactions

At its core, the Romer model has three primary components: physical capital, human capital, and the stock of knowledge or technology. These elements interact to produce economic output.

  • Physical capital
    This represents the stock of produced means of production, such as machines and buildings.

  • Human capital
    This denotes the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual, particularly in relation to their ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value.

  • The stock of knowledge
    This is a collection of ideas or technologies that can be used in the production process.

A central feature of the Romer model is its depiction of technological progress. Unlike in previous models where technological progress was an external force, in the Romer model, it is a result of investment in R&D. This endogenization of technological progress makes the model particularly relevant for understanding the impact of policy decisions on long-term economic growth.

Mathematical Representation of the Romer Model

Production Function

In the Romer Model, output (Y) is produced by combining physical capital (K), human capital allocated to the production of goods (L), and the effective level of technology (A). The production function is represented as:

Y = A K^\alpha L^{1-\alpha}


  • Y is the output,
  • A represents the level of technology,
  • K is the physical capital,
  • L is the human capital allocated to the production of goods, and
  • \alpha is a parameter that represents the share of income that goes to capital.

Technology Production Function

A unique feature of the Romer Model is its endogenous treatment of technological change. In the model, technological progress comes from deliberate investment in research and development (R&D). The new technology (\Delta A) is a result of human capital devoted to R&D (L_{R\&D}) and the existing stock of knowledge (A). The technology production function is represented as:

\Delta A = \phi L_{R\&D}A


  • \Delta A is the change in technology level,
  • L_{R\&D} is the human capital allocated to research and development,
  • A is the existing level of technology, and
  • \phi is a productivity parameter that determines the effectiveness of research efforts.

Capital Accumulation

The capital accumulation equation is similar to that found in other growth models. It states that the change in the capital stock is equal to investment (which is a fraction, s, of output) minus depreciation of the capital stock (at a rate \delta). It is represented as:

\Delta K = sY - \delta K


  • \Delta K is the change in the capital stock,
  • s is the savings rate,
  • Y is the output,
  • \delta is the depreciation rate, and
  • K is the physical capital.

Technological Change and Growth

The Romer model emphasizes that sustained economic growth comes from technological progress, which is a function of R&D efforts. It implies that policies encouraging research and development, education, and protection of intellectual property rights can accelerate economic growth.

Limitations of Romer Model

While the Romer model has had a profound impact on the study of economic growth, it is not without its critics. The model makes several key assumptions, such as perfect competition in the goods market and monopolistic competition in the technology market, which may not hold true in reality. Furthermore, it assumes that all firms have equal access to the stock of knowledge and that new technologies can be produced without limit. These assumptions have been called into question.

Case Studies Applying the Romer Model

The Silicon Valley Boom

The rise of Silicon Valley as a global hub for technology and innovation can be effectively analyzed using the Romer model. The region's economic growth has been largely driven by continuous technological progress, which stems from intensive R&D activities. Moreover, strong intellectual property laws have allowed firms to profit from their innovations, encouraging further investment in R&D. Educational institutions like Stanford University have played a crucial role in providing highly skilled labor, thereby contributing to the creation and diffusion of new ideas and technologies.

The Asian Tigers and Their Economic Growth

The spectacular economic growth of the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong) during the late 20th century can also be examined through the lens of the Romer model. These economies were able to achieve sustained growth by investing heavily in education and human capital development, promoting R&D, and implementing policies to protect intellectual property rights. The transition from labor-intensive industries to technology-intensive industries in these countries is a testament to the power of endogenous technological change.

Implementing Policies in the EU Based on the Romer Model

The European Union's policy of promoting a single market with free movement of goods, services, and labor can be seen as an application of the insights from the Romer model. By eliminating barriers to trade and labor mobility, the EU has fostered competition and innovation, leading to technological progress and economic growth. Moreover, policies such as the Horizon 2020 program, which provides substantial funding for R&D, reflect the understanding that deliberate efforts to create new technologies are key drivers of economic growth.

Ryusei Kakujo


Weave the future of cities through data

Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS