
Role of Roads

The Role of Roads

Roads are an essential part of our daily lives, encompassing a variety of functions behind their existence. Broadly speaking, the functions of roads can be categorized into "Transportation Functions" and "Spatial Functions." Transportation functions primarily refer to the aspect of roads as a means of movement, while spatial functions indicate the aspect of roads as public spaces.

Transportation Functions

Transportation functions can be further divided into "Traffic Functions" and "Access Functions."

Role of Traffic Functions

  • Safety Assurance: Traffic functions aim to ensure the safety of all road users.
  • Reduction of Travel Time: Appropriate traffic functions lead to a reduction in travel time to destinations.
  • Mitigation of Traffic Congestion and Reduction of Transport Costs: Efficient road design and management lead to decreased congestion and lower transportation costs.
  • Reduction of Traffic Pollution and Energy Conservation: Smoother traffic flow contributes to the reduction of pollutants such as emissions and noise.

Role of Access Functions

  • Foundation for Regional Development: Access functions facilitate easy access to new areas and commercial facilities, promoting regional development.
  • Expansion of Infrastructure: Improved access to essential services and facilities enhances the quality of life.
  • Promotion of Land Utilization: Easily accessible land becomes attractive for housing and business locations.

Trade-off between Traffic Functions and Access Functions

There is a trade-off relationship between traffic functions and access functions. High-standard roads, such as dedicated highways, prioritize traffic functions, emphasizing smooth traffic flow. In contrast, roads within residential areas prioritize access functions, valuing the convenience of access to the surroundings more than traffic flow.

Spatial Functions

Roads in urban areas serve various roles in terms of spatial functions, including:

  • Disaster prevention routes and spaces to block fire spread.
  • Spaces for living environments, such as green areas, decorative lighting, ventilation, playgrounds, and social gathering places.
  • Spaces for accommodating lifelines like electricity, telephone, gas, water and sewerage systems, subways, parking lots, shared sewers, and underground malls.

Effects of Road Development

Road development is a large-scale project with wide-ranging socioeconomic impacts. Its effects can be viewed from two perspectives: fiscal expenditure during development and the utilization of roads after construction.

Flow Effects and Stock Effects

As road development progresses, substantial fiscal expenditures accompany it, generating demand in the local economy. The involvement of construction companies and related industries leads to increased GDP and job creation. This is termed as the "flow effect." Conversely, when roads are completed and put into use, the traffic and spatial functions they provide are expected to expand economic activities. This is known as the "stock effect."

Importance of Stock Effects

Developed roads sustain their effects over time, with their effectiveness assessed based on their contribution to the socioeconomic landscape.

Societal and Economic Impact from Road Functions

Road development affects various aspects of the socioeconomic landscape, including traffic patterns, land use patterns, and regional development. For instance, the opening of new roads can lead to the formation of commercial and residential areas.

Road users directly benefit from the convenience and time savings brought about by roads. Meanwhile, the increased value of surrounding areas due to road development and the emergence of new business opportunities also impact those who do not directly use the roads.

Ryusei Kakujo


Weave the future of cities through data

Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS