
Guide to Regular Expressions (Regex)

Introduction to Regular Expressions (Regex)

Regular expressions, commonly known as Regex, are powerful tools used to match, search and manipulate text patterns. They are a sequence of characters that define a search pattern, allowing you to find and replace specific characters, words or patterns within text.

Regex is widely used in programming, web development, and data analysis to streamline text processing tasks. By using Regex, you can save time and effort by automating repetitive text operations, and perform complex search and replace operations with ease.

Benefits of using Regular Expressions

Regex has the following benefits.

  • Increased efficiency
    Regex allows you to search and replace text patterns quickly and accurately, reducing the time and effort required for text manipulation.

  • Greater accuracy
    By defining a specific pattern to match, you can be sure that only the intended text will be matched, reducing the chance of errors.

  • Flexibility
    Regex can be used to match a wide variety of patterns, including letters, numbers, symbols, and whitespace, making it a versatile tool for text processing tasks.

Common applications of Regular Expressions

Regex has the following common applications.

  • Data extraction and parsing
    Regex is commonly used to extract specific information from large amounts of data, such as names, dates, phone numbers, and email addresses.

  • Text validation and formatting
    Regex can be used to validate and format text inputs, such as ensuring that a user's email address is valid or that a phone number is formatted correctly.

  • Search and replace
    Regex can be used to search for specific patterns within text and replace them with a new pattern, making it a useful tool for tasks such as code refactoring or content editing.

Regex Syntax

I will cover the basic syntax and patterns of Regex, as well as the use of quantifiers and alternations.

Basic Syntax and Patterns

The most basic syntax in Regex is a single character, which matches exactly that character in the text. For example, the pattern "a" will match the letter "a" in the text. However, Regex allows for more complex patterns, such as:

  • Character classes
    [a-z] matches any lowercase letter between "a" and "z".

  • Metacharacters
    \d matches any digit, \w matches any alphanumeric character, and \s matches any whitespace character.

  • Anchors
    ^ matches the start of a line, and $ matches the end of a line.


Quantifiers allow you to specify how many times a character or pattern should be matched in the text. The most common quantifiers are:

  • *, which matches zero or more occurrences of the previous character or pattern.
  • +, which matches one or more occurrences of the previous character or pattern.
  • ?, which matches zero or one occurrence of the previous character or pattern.

For example, the pattern ab*c will match "ac", "abc", "abbc", "abbbc", and so on.


Alternations allow you to match any one of several options. The syntax for alternations is the vertical bar character "|". For example, the pattern "cat|dog" will match either "cat" or "dog" in the text.

Special characters and special classes

Regular Expressions (Regex) use special characters and special character classes to match specific patterns of characters in text data.

Special characters

Regular Expressions (Regex) use a variety of special characters to match specific patterns in text data. Here is a list of special characters commonly used in Regex:

  • . : Matches any single character except newline
  • * : Matches zero or more occurrences of the previous character or group
  • + : Matches one or more occurrences of the previous character or group
  • ? : Matches zero or one occurrence of the previous character or group
  • ^ : Matches the start of a string
  • $ : Matches the end of a string
  • [ ] : Matches any single character in the bracket
  • [^ ] : Matches any single character not in the bracket
  • | : Matches either the left or the right expression
  • () : Creates a capturing group

Here are some examples of how these special characters can be used in Regex:

  • The pattern a.b matches any three-character string that begins with a and ends with b, such as acb or aab.
  • The pattern ab*c matches any string that starts with a, ends with c, and has zero or more occurrences of the letter b in between, such as ac, abc, or abbbc.
  • The pattern ab+c matches any string that starts with a, ends with c, and has one or more occurrences of the letter b in between, such as abc or abbbc.
  • The pattern colou?r matches either color or colour, as the u character is optional.
  • The pattern ^[A-Z] matches any string that begins with an uppercase letter.
  • The pattern @[a-z]+\.[a-z]{2,3}$ matches any email address in the format of username@domain.com or username@domain.co.uk.

Special classes

Regular Expressions (Regex) use special character classes to match specific types of characters in text data. Here is a list of special character classes commonly used in Regex:

  • \d : Matches any digit character (0-9)
  • \D : Matches any non-digit character
  • \w : Matches any word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _)
  • \W : Matches any non-word character
  • \s : Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline)
  • \S : Matches any non-whitespace character
  • . : Matches any character except newline
  • [ ] : Matches any single character in the bracket
  • [^ ] : Matches any single character not in the bracket

Here are some examples of how these special character classes can be used in Regex:

  • The pattern \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4} matches any string that follows the format of a social security number, such as 123-45-6789.
  • The pattern \b\w{5}\b matches any five-letter word in a text string, such as apple or banana.
  • The pattern \s\d{3}\s matches any string that has a whitespace character followed by three digits followed by another whitespace character, such as 123 or 456.
  • The pattern [^aeiou] matches any single character that is not a vowel.

Grouping and capturing

Regex also supports grouping and capturing. In this article, I will cover what grouping and capturing are and how they can be used in Regex.

  • Grouping
    Grouping in Regex allows you to treat a group of characters as a single unit, which can be quantified, alternated, or repeated. To create a group in Regex, you enclose the group in parentheses. For example, the pattern (ab)+ will match one or more occurrences of the letters "ab" in the text.

  • Capturing
    Capturing in Regex allows you to extract a specific part of the matched text for further processing or analysis. To create a capturing group in Regex, you enclose the group in parentheses, and the matched text inside the group can be referenced later using backreferences. For example, the pattern ([a-z]+)@\w+.\w+ will match an email address in the text and capture the username part of the email address for further processing.

Using grouping and capturing in Regex can help you create more complex and specific patterns, and extract specific parts of the matched text for further processing or analysis. By using capturing and groups, you can create more advanced patterns that can match and manipulate text with greater precision and accuracy.

Using Regular Expressions in Programming Languages

Python and Javascript are two popular programming languages that support Regex natively. In this article, I will cover how to use Regular Expressions in Python and JavaScript.


Python provides built-in support for Regex through the re module. The basic syntax for using Regex in Python is:

import re

# define a pattern
pattern = r'some_regex_pattern'

# search for the pattern in a string
match = re.search(pattern, some_text)

# check if the pattern was found
if match:
  # do something with the match
  # handle the case where the pattern was not found

In this example, we import the re module and define a regex pattern. We then search for the pattern in a given string using the re.search() method. If the pattern is found, we can do something with the match. If the pattern is not found, we can handle that case accordingly.


JavaScript also provides built-in support for Regex through the RegExp object. The basic syntax for using Regex in JavaScript is:

// define a pattern
var pattern = /some_regex_pattern/;

// search for the pattern in a string
var match = some_text.match(pattern);

// check if the pattern was found
if (match !== null) {
  // do something with the match
} else {
  // handle the case where the pattern was not found

In this example, We define a regex pattern using the /regex_pattern/ syntax. We then search for the pattern in a given string using the match() method of the string object. If the pattern is found, we can do something with the match. If the pattern is not found, we can handle that case accordingly.

Real-World Examples of Regex

Regular Expressions (Regex) can be applied to a wide range of real-world scenarios for text matching and manipulation. Here is an example of how Regex can be used in email validation and phone number formatting.

Email Validation

Regex can be used to validate whether an email address is formatted correctly. Here is an example of a regex pattern that can be used to validate email addresses in Python:

import re

email_pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$'

def validate_email(email):
    return re.match(email_pattern, email) is not None

This pattern ensures that an email address begins with one or more letters, numbers, or special characters, followed by an @ symbol, then one or more letters, numbers, or hyphens, followed by a period and two or more letters.

Phone Number Formatting

Regex can also be used to format phone numbers consistently. Here is an example of a regex pattern that can be used to format US phone numbers with hyphens in JavaScript:

function format_phone_number(phone_number) {
    const cleaned = ('' + phone_number).replace(/\D/g, '');
    const match = cleaned.match(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/);
    if (match) {
        return match[1] + '-' + match[2] + '-' + match[3];
    return phone_number;

This pattern removes any non-numeric characters from the phone number and then formats it with hyphens in the standard US phone number format of xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Data extraction and parsing

Regex can be used to extract specific data from text strings or files. Here is an example of a regex pattern that can be used to extract email addresses from a text file in Python:

import re

email_pattern = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b'

with open('textfile.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        emails = re.findall(email_pattern, line)
        for email in emails:

This pattern searches for strings that match the format of an email address and extracts them from a text file. The re.findall() method returns a list of all matches found in the text file.

Text Search and Replace

Regex can also be used to search and replace specific text patterns with other text patterns. Here is an example of a regex pattern that can be used to replace all occurrences of "color" with "colour" in a text file in JavaScript:

const fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('textfile.txt', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
    if (err) throw err;
    const result = data.replace(/color/g, 'colour');
    fs.writeFile('textfile.txt', result, 'utf8', function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;

This pattern searches for all occurrences of "color" in a text file and replaces them with "colour" using the replace() method.


A UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit unique identifier that is commonly used to identify resources in computer systems. A typical UUID looks something like this:


Here's an example of a regular expression (Regex) that can be used to match and validate a UUID string:


Breaking this down, the Regex pattern consists of:

  • ^ : Matches the beginning of the string.
  • [0-9a-fA-F] : Matches any hexadecimal digit character.
  • {8} : Matches exactly 8 occurrences of the previous character or group.
  • \- : Matches a literal hyphen (-) character.
  • $ : Matches the end of the string.

By using this Regex pattern, you can validate whether a given string is a valid UUID or not. Note that this pattern assumes that the UUID is in its canonical format, which uses hyphens to separate the different segments of the UUID. If the UUID is in a different format, such as all lowercase or all uppercase, you may need to modify the pattern accordingly.

Ryusei Kakujo


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