
dbt Sources

What is Source in dbt

In dbt, a Source is the raw data in DWH. dbt provides the following functions for handling Sources:

  • Name a Source and refer to it from a model.
  • Test the data in a Source.
  • Checking the freshness of data in a Source.

Declaring Sources

Place arbitrarily named .yml files in the directories declared in the model-paths of dbt_project.yml.

Suppose you have the following raw data in BigQuery:

  • Project ID: my_project
  • Dataset: jaffle_shop
    • Table:
      • raw_customers
      • raw_orders
      • raw_payments

If you want to use the raw data in the dataset jaffle_shop as Source, write the following.

version: 2
  - name: jaffle ## Any name
    database: my_project
    schema: jaffle_shop
      - name: raw_customers
      - name: raw_orders
      - name: raw_payments

Use Sources

Declared Sources can be referenced from the model. The following example references the raw_orders and raw_customers tables from a Source declared as jaffle.

FROM {{ source('jaffle', 'raw_orders') }}
LEFT JOIN {{ source('jaffle', 'raw_customers') }} USING (customer_id)

dbt compiles internally as follows.

FROM jaffle.jaffle_shop.raw_orders
LEFT JOIN jaffle.jaffle_shop.raw_customers USING (customer_id)

Test Sources

You can test your Sources by writing the following and running dbt test.

  version: 2
    - name: jaffle
      database: my_project
      schema: jaffle_shop
        - name: raw_customers
+         columns:
+          - name: id
+            tests:
+               - unique
+               - not_null
        - name: raw_orders
+         columns:
+           - name: id
+             tests:
+               - unique
        - name: raw_payments

Check freshness of Sources

You can check the freshness of the Sources by writing about loaded_at_field and freshness.

  version: 2
    - name: jaffle
      database: my_project
      schema: jaffle_shop
+     freshness: # default freshness
+       warn_after: {count: 12, period: hour}
+       error_after: {count: 24, period: hour}
+     loaded_at_field: _etl_loaded_at
      - name: raw_customers # this will use the freshness defined above
      - name: raw_orders
+       freshness: # make this a little more strict
+         warn_after: {count: 6, period: hour}
+         error_after: {count: 12, period: hour}
      - name: raw_payments
+       freshness: null # do not check freshness for this table

The loaded_at_field is a column of time data to be used in the freshness calculation. dbt checks the freshness of the data by taking the MAX value of the specified column and measuring the difference from the current time. However, the time must be in timestamp and UTC. Otherwise, you need to write a query to cast the time as follows.

loaded_at_field: "convert_timezone('UTC', 'Asia/Tokyo', _etl_loaded_at)"

The freshness parameter defines warnings or errors about the difference between the current time and the time of the data. For example, warn_after: {count: 12, period: hour} means to warn if the latest data is more than 12 hours behind the current time.

You can run dbt source freshness to measure the freshness of your Sources.

$ dbt source freshness

Running with dbt=0.18.1
Found 5 models, 11 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 155 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 2 sources

20:35:05 | Concurrency: 4 threads (target='learn')
20:35:05 |
20:35:06 | 1 of 1 START freshness of jaffle.raw_orders........................... [RUN]
20:35:09 | 1 of 1 WARN freshness of jaffle.raw_orders............................ [WARN in 3.98s]
20:35:09 | Done.

Since WARN is displayed, it means that the freshness level specified by warn_after has been exceeded, i.e., more than 6 hours have passed since the current time (command execution time). Note that PASSS will be displayed if there is no freshness problem, and ERROR STALE will be displayed if error_after is applied.



Ryusei Kakujo


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