
Jinja and macros


dbt allows you to write flexible SQL code using Jinja and macros. This article describes the notation and usage of Jinja and macros.


Jinja is a kind of template engine that can be used to write not only SQL, but also HTML, CSS, and many other text files.

Jinja provides the following three notations.

  • {% ... %}: control syntax
    Controls the flow of processing, such as for or if.
  • {{ ... }}: Expression
    Outputs the result of an expression as a string.
  • {# ... #}: comment
    You can write comments to make the program easier for people to read. They will not be output in the final SQL.

if syntax

Jinja uses the if syntax as follows.

{% if kenny.sick %}
    Kenny is sick.
{% elif kenny.dead %}
    You killed Kenny!  You bastard!!!
{% else %}
    Kenny looks okay --- so far
{% endif %}

If the if syntax is written on a single line, it looks like this.

{{ env if env is defined else 'dev' }}


for syntax

In Jinja, the for syntax is described as follows.

{% for col in columuns %}
  {{ col }} ,
{% endfor %}

{% for key, val in dict %}
  {{ key }}, {{ val }}
{% endfor %}

Special variables can be used in the for syntax.

Variable Description
loop.index The current iteration of the loop. (1 indexed)
loop.index0 The current iteration of the loop. (0 indexed)
loop.revindex The number of iterations from the end of the loop (1 indexed)
loop.revindex0 The number of iterations from the end of the loop (0 indexed)
loop.first True if first iteration.
loop.last True if last iteration.
loop.length The number of items in the sequence.
loop.cycle A helper function to cycle between a list of sequences. See the explanation below.
loop.depth Indicates how deep in a recursive loop the rendering currently is. Starts at level 1
loop.depth0 Indicates how deep in a recursive loop the rendering currently is. Starts at level 0
loop.previtem The item from the previous iteration of the loop. Undefined during the first iteration.
loop.nextitem The item from the following iteration of the loop. Undefined during the last iteration.
loop.changed(*val) True if previously called with a different value (or not called at all).


dbt's own Jinja functions

dbt defines its own Jinja functions. In addition to the commonly used config(), ref(), and source(), the following functions are available.

dbt Jinja functions
adapter execute run_query
as_bool flags run_started_at
as_native fromjson schema
as_number fromyaml schemas
as_text graph selected_resources
builtins invocation_id set
config log source
cross-database macros model statement blocks
dbt_project.yml Context modules target
dbt_version on-run-end Context this
debug print tojson
dispatch profiles.yml Context toyaml
doc project_name var
env_var ref zip
exceptions return


Jinja notation example

Suppose you have the following SQL.

  sum(case when payment_method = 'bank_transfer' then amount end) as bank_transfer_amount,
  sum(case when payment_method = 'credit_card' then amount end) as credit_card_amount,
  sum(case when payment_method = 'gift_card' then amount end) as gift_card_amount,
sum(amount) as total_amount
from {{ ref('raw_payments') }}
group by 1

The above SQL can be written using Jinja's for loop and variables as follows.

{% set payment_methods = ["bank_transfer", "credit_card", "gift_card"] %}

  {% for payment_method in payment_methods %}
  sum(case when payment_method = '{{payment_method}}' then amount end) as {{payment_method}}_amount,
  {% endfor %}
  sum(amount) as total_amount
from {{ ref('raw_payments') }}
group by 1

Use loop.last to avoid putting a comma at the end of a for loop.

{% set payment_methods = ["bank_transfer", "credit_card", "gift_card"] %}

  {% for payment_method in payment_methods %}
  sum(case when payment_method = '{{payment_method}}' then amount end) as {{payment_method}}_amount
  {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
from {{ ref('raw_payments') }}
group by 1


Macros are functions that create reusable code. Place SQL files in the directory specified by macro-paths in dbt_project.yml (macros by default) and write macros in them.

For example, if you want to make the list of payment methods a common variable in the macro, write as follows.

{% macro get_payment_methods() %}
{{ return(["bank_transfer", "credit_card", "gift_card"]) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% set payment_methods = get_payment_methods() %}

  {%- for payment_method in payment_methods %}
  sum(case when payment_method = '{{payment_method}}' then amount end) as {{payment_method}}_amount
  {%- if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
from {{ ref('raw_payments') }}
group by 1

If you want to make the function for converting currency a common function in a macro, write as follows.

{% macro usd_to_jpy(col_name, rate=100) %}
  {{col_name}} * rate
{% endmacro %}
  usd_to_jpy('price', 90)
from {{ ref('raw_payments') }}
group by 1



Ryusei Kakujo


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