
ACID Properties

What is ACID Properties

ACID is an acronym that stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These properties define the fundamental principles that ensure reliable processing of database transactions. If a database operation exhibits these ACID properties, it can be referred to as an ACID transaction. Furthermore, data storage systems that apply these operations are called transaction systems.

Importance of ACID Properties in Database Transactions

The ACID properties are critical for the successful operation of any database transaction. They protect the integrity and reliability of data during read, write, and update operations. By complying with ACID principles, databases can ensure that data remains consistent and valid even in the event of failures such as system crashes or power losses. It also ensures that multiple, concurrent database operations do not interfere with each other, preventing a range of potential anomalies.


Atomicity, from the Greek atomos, meaning 'indivisible,' refers to the principle that a transaction should be treated as a single, indivisible unit. This means that all parts of a transaction must be completed successfully; if any part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails and the database state is left unchanged.

The Role of Atomicity in Database Transactions

In the context of database transactions, atomicity ensures that data remains in a consistent state even when a transaction fails partway. This could be due to system failure, data integrity violation, or any other unexpected occurrences that might disrupt the transaction process.

Real-world Examples of Atomicity

For instance, consider a banking transaction where you are transferring money from one account to another. The transaction involves two operations: debiting the amount from the source account and crediting it to the destination account. Atomicity ensures that both these operations happen completely or not at all. So, if a system failure occurs after the debit operation but before the credit operation, the transaction will be rolled back, and the money will be returned to the source account.

Dealing with Failures: The Role of Atomicity

Atomicity plays an important role in ensuring data reliability, especially in systems where high availability is required. It offers a way to handle errors and failures gracefully, without losing data or leaving the system in an inconsistent state. This is achieved by using mechanisms like rollback, where changes made by a transaction are undone if the transaction fails to commit.


Consistency, in the context of ACID properties, refers to the requirement that every transaction brings the database from one valid state to another. Consistency rules, also known as integrity constraints, are defined to protect the database from entering into incorrect states.

The Importance of Consistency in Database Transactions

The consistency property ensures that any transaction will bring the database from one valid state to another. The database has to satisfy a set of predefined consistency constraints and any transaction is responsible for preserving these constraints. If a transaction results in a violation of the consistency rules, the transaction is rolled back and the database remains unchanged.

Ensuring Consistency in Tables

Let's consider an example of an E-commerce website where a customer is purchasing a product. The inventory, before the purchase, states that there are five units of the product. After the purchase of one unit, the inventory should automatically update to four units. If the inventory shows any number other than four, it means there's a breach in consistency. Hence, the consistency property in the ACID model ensures the database always remains in a consistent state before and after the transaction.

Coping with Data Corruption and Errors: Consistency in Play

When the system experiences data corruption or errors, the consistency aspect of the ACID properties plays a significant role in maintaining data integrity. It ensures that only valid data following all predefined rules gets written into the database, thus preventing any accidental damage or logical corruption.


Isolation is an ACID property that ensures that concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially, i.e., one after the other. This property enables transactions to execute independently without interference.

Isolation in Database Transactions

The isolation property ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions leaves the database in the same state that would have been obtained if the transactions were executed in some sequential order. This is critical in a multiuser database system as several transactions often need to run concurrently.

Managing Concurrent Users: The Role of Isolation

For example, consider a railway reservation system where two users are concurrently booking the last available seat in a train. The isolation property ensures that only one transaction succeeds at reserving the seat, while the other transaction is informed that the seat is no longer available. This property is crucial in preventing conflicts between two simultaneous transactions.

Handling Simultaneous Transactions with Isolation

The isolation property protects against potential conflicts and anomalies that can occur when multiple transactions are executed concurrently. Various mechanisms, such as locks and timestamps, can be used to achieve isolation, preventing data inconsistencies and ensuring the reliability of the system.


Durability is the ACID property that ensures that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of subsequent failures such as power loss, crash, or errors. In essence, the durability property guarantees that the database will keep track of pending changes in such a way that the server can recover from an abrupt shutdown.

The Role of Durability in Database Transactions

Durability guarantees that once a transaction is committed, its effects are permanent and survive future system and software failures. This is typically achieved by storing the transaction's changes in a non-volatile storage medium.

Ensuring Data Persistence in Spite of System Failures

Consider an online banking transaction where money is being transferred from one account to another. If a system failure occurs just after the transaction is completed, the durability property ensures that the changes made by the transaction (money being debited from one account and credited to the other) are not lost. This is usually ensured by the system maintaining a transaction log that can be used to recreate the system state right before the failure.

Real-world Examples of Durability

Durability is of utmost importance in systems where data is crucial and a data loss could lead to significant problems, like in banking systems, booking systems, and more. For example, if a booking system fails just after a user has booked a ticket, the durability property ensures that the booking record is not lost and the user's ticket remains booked even after the system recovers from the failure.

ACID Properties in Various Database Systems

Implementation of ACID Properties in Relational Databases

Relational databases, are inherently ACID compliant. They provide transaction support and implement ACID properties to ensure the reliability and accuracy of data. Examples of such databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle Database.

Handling ACID Properties in NoSQL Databases

Unlike relational databases, NoSQL databases, which include databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and CouchDB, take a different approach to ACID properties. Many NoSQL databases prioritize performance and scalability over strict ACID compliance. They typically provide "eventual consistency," which allows for temporary inconsistencies in exchange for improved performance. However, some NoSQL databases do offer ACID compliance at certain levels, such as within a single document or on a per-operation basis.

Ryusei Kakujo


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Transportation modeling/ Urban planning/ Machine learning/ Computer science/ GIS